Zion Lutheran
Early Childhood Center
64 First Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
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The name Zion occurs in Holy Scripture over 150 times. In the Old Testament it has several references ultimately being associated with the City of Jerusalem and the Temple. In the New Testament this association expands into the spiritual realm and Zion becomes a reference to the "New Jerusalem." This is the City of God, or as many know it; Heaven.
Mission Statement: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is a community of people redeemed by Christ and Guided by God’s Word. We are compelled by the love of Christ to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Through our programs we seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ, strengthen their faith, discover their gifts and give each person the opportunity to serve the Lord and others.

Vision Statement: The members of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church and School, being filled with the Spirit, full of excitement and energy are serving the Lord and one another, meeting the needs of a changing and growing congregation and Early Childhood Center.
Through this vision, we serve family and community, those in need both spiritually and physically, old and young alike.
As you can see from the statement, we are here to do more than just come to church once in a while! You are the Priesthood of all Believers; You are God’s Ambassador to this world, active as a servant of Christ in your particular vocation.
Frequently Asked Questions: :
What's a service like?
Traditional Lutheran worship; we celebrate Holy Communion at every service.
What's the music like?
Mostly traditional Lutheran hymns, an occasional modern song.
How do people dress?
We encourage people to be comfortable, but respectful. Most of our members are fairly well dressed.
What about my kids?
We have Sunday School for nursery through fourth grade during the 10:15 service. There is a room for parents with small children if desired, and of course your children are more than welcome to sit with you during worship.
May I take communion?
We profess the Real presence of Christ in, with, and under the Bread and Wine of our Supper. This means the Risen Christ is present forgiving the sins of those who are repentant of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ. If you share this belief, you are welcome to commune with us!
Where do I park?
Most people park on the street. There is limited parking behind our school building.

Lutheran Basic Beliefs
We believe . . .
In one Divine Being (God), with three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Holy Trinity.)
That all human beings have sinned and are separated from God and in need of forgiveness.
That God has provided forgiveness and the restoration of our relationship with God through the Incarnation, Suffering, Death and Resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
That God has made us holy by the power of the Holy Spirit and given us rebirth (born again) by Baptism into Christ's own death and resurrection.
That Holy Scripture (the Bible) is the source and basis for our belief and reveals God's will for us. Most importantly it reveals the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, as the Way of Salvation.
That God specifically promises to be with us forgiving sins in Baptism and Holy Communion (the two Sacraments recognized by the Lutheran Church.) These Sacraments are commanded by Christ Himself and are not to be taken lightly, but rather given prominence in our worship.
That we are all part of God's "priesthood of all believer (a phrase Martin Luther liked to use describing our Christian vocation). We are all ministers to those in need of salvation and care in this world.
That we have new life in Christ right now and that we have eternal life with God and all of God's people in