Zion Lutheran
Early Childhood Center
64 First Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
Click on logo to go to website

Fast, easy & secure
Support the work of our church through electronic Giving. Have your weekly or monthly contribution debited from your checking or savings account and transferred directly into the church account safely and electronically. You'll never have to remember your checkbook again!
Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It's easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. Click the button below to give electronically through Vanco payments.
GIVE+ Mobile
It seems there is a smartphone app for everything these days—paying for coffee, checking in for a flight, arranging for a ride—it's because apps make life easier. Church members are looking for the same ease and convenience with it comes to giving. Zion Lutheran has partnered with Vanco to bring our members and guests a way to make a contribution through a mobile app!
To get started, download Give+ Church for free from the App Store or Google Play. Simply search for "GivePlus Church" to quickly find and download directly from your smartphone using your debit/credit card or checking/savings account.
Once you download the app you will be prompted to select a church. We are "Zion Ev Lutheran Church". We are the one in Westwood under that category. For ease of use, you will have the opportunity to scan your credit card with your smart phone or enter it manually.
You can also choose to donate as a guest or set up an account that allows you to securely and conveniently schedule recurring donations and manage and review your giving history.
We hope you enjoy this new way to contribute to our ministry, and thank you for your support.
GIVE+ Text
In less time than it takes to write a check, you can now make your contribution to Zion Lutheran Church with a text message. To text your donation, simply text 201-992-8525 and in the message window, enter the amount you would like to give with the dollar sign in front of it, then send. Next you will be prompted to enter your information to finalize the donation. In the future you can text "repeat" to contribute the same amount or enter a different amount. The texting feature allows secure donations through major debit/credit cards.
If you have any questions please call the church office at 201-664-1325

Many people enjoy the tradition of placing something in the offering plate during worship service. We now have cards as you enter the church for you to pick up to participate fully in the offering during the service. It is a nice way to combine the ease of electronic giving while still enjoying the act of placing something in the plate. It also sets a great example for our young ones.
We also have cards young ones are invited to pick up and place in the offering plate if their parents approve. Offerings to our Lord are not just monetary. We give by our services as well. There are a few options you can look over with your child to discuss if you like. You are welcome to take one or two home and have them do something special you can talk to them about.