Zion Lutheran
Early Childhood Center
64 First Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
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Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Center
We offer an excellent program for 2 1/2, 3 and 4 year old children through Pre-Kindergarten.
For more information, visit the school's website at zionlutheranearlychildhoodcenter.org
or call the office at 201.664.8060
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study meets from 9:00-10:00am on Sundays. They study various books of the Bible and often theological books and articles. This class is taught by Pastor Pranschke. Coffee and light refreshments are provided.

Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is a group of women and men singing mixed choral and traditional church music. The choir sings monthly. They practice on Thursday evening during the program year (Sept. through May).
Confirmation Class
Jr. Confirmation - is for the 5th - 6th grade children and meets on Wednesdays from 4-5pm. October through May, First Communion is taught during this time.
Senior Confirmation - is for the 7th - 8th graders on Thursdays from 4-5pm, These children are learning Lutheran basic doctrine from the Small Catechism. Both classes break during Advent
and Lent

C.S. Lewis Book Club
The C.S. Lewis Book Club meets the last Sunday of the month after our 9:30am worship service. They read a chapter or two aloud and discuss what the words of C.S. Lewis mean and how they still apply today. Refreshments are served. These meetings run about 2 and a half hours. All are welcome.
Children's Choir
This choir is for 1st through 6th grade children, they sing once a month and practice on Thursdays.

Chilren's Choir

Creative Crafters of Zion
This is a group of gifted women who meet every Thursday throughout the year to make handmade crafts and cards. These are sold and given to raise funds for various charities.

Families Matter
Special messages, usually the last Sunday of the month, directly suited for very young children, usually a themed gift is included to make the message of Jesus' love more special to our youngest members
First Communion Classes
First communion classes are taught by Pastor Pranschke on Mondays at 4:00. Please contact the church office at 201-664-1325 if you are interested in enrolling your child. Classes are currently on break.

Girl's Choir
The Girl's Choir meets every Tuesday, 7:30-8:30pm. First year of high school into adulthood, singing traditional and contemporary music, singing at church monthly.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir practices on Tuesdays from 7:00-7:30pm. They play in church monthly. You do not need to be able to read music to be in the bell choir. They lift the congregations' spirits by making a joyful sound.

Homebound Ministry
Through this ministry our members seek to share the love of Jesus, strengthen faith and provide the opportunity for our members who are unable to regularly attend church to remain involved in our congregational life through visits, communication and prayer.
The Little Red Wagon
This is Zion's year-round ministry of the collection of food donated by our members throughout the year to local food pantries to help support local families in need. The donations are brought to church weekly and put in the Little Red Wagon near the entrance of the church..

The Lutheran Women in Mission (formerly known as the Lutheran Women's Missionary League) meets monthly September through May, usually on the 2nd Friday of the month at 1pm. They carry on various mission projects to proclaim the love of God.
Lydia Altar Guild
The Lydia Altar Guild is a group of women who prepare our Communion table each week and for special services. They also coordinate our altar flowers and Christmas and Easter special flowers.

Lydia Altar Guild

Men's Club
The Men's Club meets the second Saturday of the month, September - June at 8:00am. The men enjoy a good breakfast and do projects around the church and raise money to help with various ministries through the year.
Paterson Men's Shelter
Our members purchase, and deliver a meal to the shelter (approximately 35 men) twice a month. Several people bring home-made desserts and many make monetary donations for the purchase of a hot meal. We also collect new or gently used clothing for the men.

Sing-a-Long with Pastor
Pastor meets with children on Tuesday afternoons and sings guitar songs, mainly nursery age, many from our school, meeting from 3:34-4:30pm at points through the year
Sunday School
Sunday School is held every Sunday during our 10:15am worship service. This is a vital part of your child's Christian Education, it is important for you to bring them every Sunday and worship with them together in church at our 9:30am service the LAST Sunday of the month. Sunday School runs from October through May.