Zion Lutheran
Early Childhood Center
64 First Avenue
Westwood, NJ 07675
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Musical Moment

A song of encouragement during this difficult time.

Wednesdays Serenade - May 20, 2020
Pastor Pranschke accompanied by John Durr sings the classic "Jesus Loves Me". True words to live by and believe.
At our annual picnic last fall, Leah Pranschke sang a popular call to the altar. It was a beautiful day.
"Amazing Grace"
This video features the windows we are blessed to have here at Zion. The song is sung by Leah Pranschke and she is accompanied by her father, Pastor Pranschke.
Zion Lutheran Church Coffee House is an event we host several times a year. The concert features local talent and refreshments. These are free will offering events. All the profits from these events go to support Westwood Cares, a local charity helping our neighbors in need. Check out Tucker and Rich as they sing a pop tune during one of our Coffee Houses.